This is the way to be found and to search for employment. Bold, brief, branded LinkedIn profile to build chemistry and desire. This is today’s #1 job seeker’s tool to connect with others, tap into the hidden job market (where 85% of jobs are found) and be headhunted by recruiters and job search consultants.
Using up-to-the-minute contemporary knowledge of how recruiters use LinkedIn, we also ensure optimum ‘stickiness’—compelling your readers to stay and learn more. Our LinkedIn profile development service is a full service that includes the writing, strategising, SEO optimisation, keyword optimisation, branding, and development/improvement of your LinkedIn profile.
This service is NOT a copy-and-paste exercise of either your resume or the resume that we create for you. LinkedIn profiles should not be an exact replica of your resume. The value-packed LinkedIn Enhancer includes all services from the LinkedIn Starter/Update, plus plenty of extras to create an all-star profile. Service includes: Headline, About, Professional Experience (10 years), Education, Certifications and Courses, Skills ,Volunteering, Honours/Awards, Patents, Causes, Organisations, Projects (as appropriate), Suggested Groups to join, Suggested Companies to Follow.