Included with Every Package
- Turnaround Time 7-21 business days
- 2 Rounds of Revisions
- Personal Brand & Strategy-Driven Documents
- Lifetime Document Storage
- Final Documents (Word, PDF)
Service Explanations:
ATS Optimised Resume – If you’re applying for positions online there’s a good chance that your resume will be received, scanned by an ATS (applicant tracking system), and entered into a recruiter’s database. Your resume won’t meet human eyes until after it’s been classified by a computer – and even then it will only be read by a person if it’s a good match for an electronic search. We’ll optimise your resume for ATS, ensuring it contains the correct formatting and industry-specific keywords to increase its chances of passing through and being picked up by any resume scanning software.
Full Colour Presentation Resume – A visually engaging interview-winning resume prepared using a variety of expert styling techniques. These resumes are designed to showcase your creativity and differentiate you from the many others applying for the same positions. Present one of our stylised resumes during interviews and you will stand out from the crowd!
LinkedIn Profile Starter/Update – LinkedIn can help you effectively position yourself in the competitive job market, network with like-minded people in your industry, and apply for advertised jobs through an online database. You may even be headhunted by recruiters or potential employers. As the world’s largest professional network with over 380 million members worldwide and more than 7 million members in Australia, you’d be mad not to join! This LinkedIn service includes professional LinkedIn consulting, strategy development and advice, Getting Started with LinkedIn guide, and a keyword optimised LinkedIn profile including the following sections:
- Headline;
- Summary with Specialties;
- Professional Experience (Current Job only);
- Education;
- Your supplied photo updated and cropped; and
- Your content uploaded to your online profile.
LinkedIn Profile Enhancer – This is the way to be found and to search for employment. Bold, brief, branded LinkedIn profile to build chemistry and desire. This is today’s #1 job seeker’s tool to connect with others, tap into the hidden job market (where 85% of jobs are found) and be headhunted by recruiters and job search consultants. Using up-to-the-minute contemporary knowledge of how recruiters use LinkedIn, we also ensure optimum ‘stickiness’—compelling your readers to stay and learn more. Our LinkedIn profile development service is a full service that includes the writing, strategising, SEO optimisation, keyword optimisation, branding, and development/improvement of your LinkedIn profile. This service is NOT a copy-and-paste exercise of either your resume or the resume that we create for you. LinkedIn profiles should not be an exact replica of your resume. The value-packed LinkedIn Enhancer includes all services from the LinkedIn Starter/Update, plus plenty of extras to create an all-star profile. Service includes:
- Headline;
- Summary with Specialties;
- Professional Experience (10 years);
- Education;
- Certifications and Courses;
- Skills and Interests;
- Languages, Volunteering, Honours/Awards, Patents, Causes, Organisations, Projects, (as appropriate);
- Suggested Groups to join;
- Suggested Companies to follow;
- Your supplied photo updated and cropped;
- Background photo (Premium accounts only); and
- Your content uploaded to your online profile.
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