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PART 5: Tips for Success In Your Job Search

EVEN MORE Things every jobseeker can do to be successful in a job search:

Conduct a Social Media Audit

  • Google yourself. Think like a hiring manager or recruiter and conduct a Google search for your name. You may need to conduct a couple of searches using different variations of your name (First Name/Last Name, First Name/Middle Name/Last Name, First Name/Middle Initial/Last Name) to see what comes up.
  • Review your current social media profiles for any potentially objectionable content. Also determine if any profile information is missing, or if there’s anything you can add. (For example, you can add a link to your blog in your LinkedIn profile.)
  • Change the privacy settings for any religious or political posts. Delete any posts that show you engaging in anything that a prospective employer may find offensive or inappropriate.
  • Use the Reach™ Online ID Calculator™ to assess your online presence. You can find the tool here:
  • See if there are any gaps in your social media presence — are there websites that are standard for your industry that you should be on (for example, an Instagram account if you’re a photographer)?

Increase Your Social Media Participation

  • Assess your current social media accounts. Are there any you’re not using? (Thought you were going to post on Twitter but gave up after a couple of weeks?) Delete or deactivate unused accounts so they no longer show up in your active search results.
  • Review your privacy settings on any accounts you’re keeping. First, make a list of the accounts you have. Next, check your privacy settings for each account.
  • Make sure your LinkedIn profile is considered “complete” by LinkedIn standards. Populate your industry and location, an up-to-date position (with a description), add two past positions, include your education, define at least three skills, add a profile photo and make sure you’re connected with at least 50 other people.
  • For consistency, consider changing your profile photos on all of your social media accounts to the same (professional) photo so it makes it clear that the hiring manager found the right person!
  • For the social media platforms where you’ve decided to cultivate your online presence, develop a schedule for adding new content regularly.

Do More on LinkedIn

  • Do one thing to improve your LinkedIn profile: Create a custom Headline for your profile, review your current job position/description and make sure it’s updated, or review/add to your Summary.
  • Increase your connections with Contacts by connecting with one of your references on LinkedIn or sending a connection request to a former co-worker.
  • Publish something on LinkedIn today — a status update or a LinkedIn Publishing post.
  • Get involved in a new LinkedIn Group today.
  • Give an endorsement to an existing connection today.

Keep an eye out for PART 6 in the series: Tips for Success In Your Jobs Search……Information provided by Carolyn from Total Resumes

Author Carolyn Whitfield

6X TORI-Winning, Multi-Certified Resume Master & Coach ★ 12+ Yrs Expertise ★ 98% Client Interview-Winning Success Rate. As an executive resume expert who has carved a strong reputation in the resume industry, I’ve helped thousands of rising stars and executives worldwide ascend to the next step on the career ladder.

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