At Total Resumes we love it when we come across a user-friendly job search tool for you to add to your toolbox. How cool would it be to find a FREE job search tool that helps you:
- Manage and keep track of network relationships. It is your personal relationship manager for your career.
- Organise and keep tabs on target companies that you apply to, or want to apply to.
- Track ;jobs you apply to. When did you interview, did you send a thank you letter, what is the next step, etc.?
- Prepare for interviews. Create and store elevator pitches, responses to questions, your 30 second pitch, etc.
- Store important documents like resumes, cover letters, reference letters, etc. Track where you use these and who you send them to.
There is a lot more you can do in JibberJobber. One of the most important things they help you do is follow-up. Follow-up is a critical part of networking and your job search. JibberJobber has various tools to help you remember to follow-up, which is one of the hardest things a job seeker gets to do.
Your JibberJobber account is a freemium account: you can have a free account forever, and optionally upgrade and downgrade when it makes sense.
Check it out here: